The fourth industrial revolution, or 4IR, accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, has transformed the way organisations and their workforces operate. Existing jobs may disappear, others will grow and new job roles that don’t exist today will emerge. The future of the workplace demands new skills and ways of thinking.
SA must reignite growth and job creation, and digitalisation could provide the economic boost we need. Change won’t wait for us. Organisations, business leaders and educators need to be proactive in upskilling and retraining workforces to thrive within the new landscape, and ensure people can coexist with new technology.
Join us for the Business Day Focus 4.0 Digital Dialogue, in partnership with Johannesburg Business School (JBS), SEDA and BCX, as our expert panel explores what the shift means, specifically for employment, skills and recruitment, and what the workforce strategy for the future should be.
Moderator, Alishia Seckam will be in conversation with:
- Hope Lukoto – chief human resource Office, BCX
- Tumi Nkosi – director: executive education, Johannesburg Business School (JBS)
- Ntokozo Majola – executive manager enterprise development division, SEDA
Event details:
- Date: July 29 2022
- Time: 10.00 – 11.00am
- Location: online
To register your virtual seat, click here.